Activist group coming to Charleston for removal of John C. Calhoun statue

CHARLESTON, SC (WCSC) - An activist group is coming to Charleston to call on the removal of the John C. Calhoun statue from Marion Square.

The Independent Media Institute launched the Make it Right Project which is aimed at removing Confederate statues across the country.

They partnered with local activists in North Charleston to take down the Silent Sam memorial, and now they’re coming to South Carolina this Thursday.

The group wrote on their website that they’re using arts activism to call for the removal of what they consider "a racist Calhoun marker and all symbols of white supremacy.”

At Tuesday night’s city council meeting, people spoke against letting that group take down the statue. Some people said that the memorial is a vital part of Charleston’s history and taking it down won’t change anything.

Charleston police say the group does have a permit for the event and the department will monitor it.

It’s happening at 6:30 p.m. Thursday in Marion Square.

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