Lowcountry Headlines

Lowcountry Headlines



Polls are open Tuesday from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

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Remember, if you straight ticket vote, you still have to vote down ballot on non-partisan school board races as well as answer statewide, and in some cases, local, ballot questions.

Many counties will be voting for school board members as a result of state-mandated redistricting changes. That includes Charleston, Dorchester and Berkeley counties.

State law changes the configuration of the Berkeley County School Board and cuts some of their terms short. Under the law, the school board will change from nine seats to eight seats, with an added at large seat. This would align the school board seats with the Berkeley County Council geographic seats.

Because of the change, elections officials remind voters to pay extra attention to those races, especially if they tend to vote “straight ticket.”

“School board members are nonpartisan, so in order to vote for the candidate of your choice, you will have to make a selection of that candidate,” Brown said. “So if you’re voting straight party that does not vote for any of the school board district members.”

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