Grumpy Cat, the internet sensation and star of countless memes sadly passed away earlier this week at the age of seven, reports her family. "We are unimaginably heartbroken to announce the loss of our beloved Grumpy Cat," reads a statement released Friday on the feline's official social media channels, adding, "She passed away peacefully on the morning of Tuesday, May 14, at home in the arms of her mommy, Tabatha."
Originally named Tardar Sauce, Grumpy Cat first appeared on Reddit in 2012, going on to amass over 8.5 million Facebook followers, plus 2.4 million on Instagram and another 1.5 million on Twitter.
Nothing against Grumpy Cat...but I'm sure the family of Doris Day isn't thrilled this cat is being included in a tweet.."these things always happen in threes!" Come on,'s a cat...a DAMN Cat.