Ric Rush

Ric Rush

iHeartCountry Host with On-Air stories that are loosely based in truth. It either almost happened, I wished would’ve happened, or I str8 up lied. #iheartcountry


Tik Tok Comment Saves User From Cancer

Tik Tok has swept the nation over the last year, gaining over 550 million users. The app is used for sharing video content including dance challenges and comedic bits but for Tik Tok user Alex Griswold the app became so much more than that, and may have ended up saving his life. When 23-year-old Alex Griswold posted one of his many comedic videos on what its like being married, a particular scene caught the eye of two strangers. During the video, Griswold's back is shown during a quick shot. But this one second shot was long enough for the strangers to reach out to Alex warning him about a possible sign of skin cancer. One of these comments came from melanoma survivor, Lizzie Wells, who is currently studying to become a doctor. Because of Wells' knowledge on this matter, Griswold took the concerns seriously and scheduled a doctors appointment.

He later posted to Tik Tok in a 60 second video on "How Tik Tok saved my life". In the video, he explains that the doctors had found his mole irregular and decided to remove it. When the results came back, it was confirmed that it was a moderately atypical mole, heading towards skin cancer. Griswold thanked the strangers in his video and ended it with saying, "because of two kind strangers I avoided skin cancer. This is the perfect reminder that the world is a wonderful place."

📷 Getty Images

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