- A writer was watching CNBC when a re-run of Shark Tank was on.
- The episode was from 2009.
- A woman named Irina Blok was on the show pitching fashion surgical masks.
- She believed she created the next big trend.
- Every investor made fun of her and shut her pitch down.
- Kevin Harrington called her masks, a novelty item, not a serious item. I just don't see the market for it.
- Don't worry about Irina, she is the brains behind the Google Android robot logo.
- Wonder if she kept any of her masks.
- Has anyone ever shot down an idea of yours at work or school and it was later revealed that your idea was good?
iHeartCountry Host with On-Air stories that are loosely based in truth. It either almost happened, I wished would’ve happened, or I str8 up lied. #iheartcountry