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If you’re a Gwen Stefani fan you know this was coming, but not in the hilarious way that Jimmy Fallon served up the Pop-Rock star as a Country singer with his infomercial skit. Gwen joined Jimmy Fallon on his late-night talk show as he portrayed infomercial host, Buck Pinto.
He introduces the infomercial portraying his love for down-home country music and his love of Gwen Stefani and he offers up a solution for those who have trouble choosing one over the other. Fallon then holds up an album called, “Gwen’s Gone Country” with the singer dressed in cowboy attire, holding a guitar, surrounded by a field of wheat. Gwen appears as she strums the chords of No Doubt’s “Don’t Speak” reimaged as a Country song.
Stefani then gives fans snippets of “Spiderwebs” and “Hollaback Girl” that would be certified Country hits if they were real. "Order today! There's no doubt you'll love it," Fallon's infomercial pitchman exclaimed, now only if the album were real.
Do you think Gwen Stefani will ever go back to her Pop-Rock roots or do you think she’ll continue to dive into the world of Country music?