Ric Rush

Ric Rush

iHeartCountry Host with On-Air stories that are loosely based in truth. It either almost happened, I wished would’ve happened, or I str8 up lied. #iheartcountry


Thanks To The COVID-19 Pandemic, Binge Drinking Now Common Among Older Men

Man drinking pint of beer

Photo: Getty Images

Many studies have shown that drinking alcohol increased during the Covid-19 pandemic, but new evidence gives details on a specific demographic. A new study from the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society has found that binge drinking has become more common for older men in the U.S. The drinking of older women, however, was shown to have stayed consistent. Factors used in this study included tobacco and cannabis use and marital status. Why do you think people have been drinking more? How many drinks do you have per week?

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