Ric Rush

Ric Rush

iHeartCountry Host with On-Air stories that are loosely based in truth. It either almost happened, I wished would’ve happened, or I str8 up lied. #iheartcountry


Make Sure To Shut Off The Lights- Sleeping With Lights On Can Be Damaging

Young woman comfortably sleeping at night in a bed at home. Sleep time

Photo: Getty Images

Want a good night's sleep? Keep the lights off - ALL of them. A recent sleep study conducted by Northwestern University found that sleeping with a 'moderate' amount of light in the room affected heart rate and metabolism - even with subjects who felt they got a good night's sleep. They theorize that even a small amount of light can put humans or animals into a 'pro-inflammatory state' during sleep. Would you rate your sleep habits as good or bad? Do you try to keep a consistent bedtime?

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