It's Dave Friedman Friday!
Ethan's girlfriend, Bena, is a member of the Peace Corps stationed in Comoros, a little island off the coast of Madagascar.
Food is very hard to come by in Comoros. For the past month, the only dinner that Bena has to eat was a can of sardines because the fishermen haven't been catching anything... EW! AND sometimes that's her only meal.
She also doesn't get the everyday comforts that we do here in the States.
She's got no running water, electricity is very limited, no wifi, and it takes hours to walk to the nearest town.
We wanted to do something for her, so with the help of Dave Friedman, we went to the store and put together a care package that we are sending off to Bena in Comoros!
The Care Package included:
- Peanut butter
- Cheez-Its
- Bug Repelent and Anti-Itch Cream
- A bunch of Cliff Bars
- Dried Cranberries
- Dark Chocolate With Sea Salt
- Emergen-C
- Rice Cakes
- Trail Mix
Check out the pictures Below!
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After 3 months, Bena finally received the care package!
She sent us some pics of how excited she was!!
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