Kindness Crews-Aide with Crews Chevy

Kindness Crews-Aide with Crews Chevy

Spreading Kindness with our friends at Crews ChevyFull Bio


2nd Annual Great Pumpkin Giveaway

The WEZL Kindness Crews-aide was out at the Dave Friedman Real Estate Great Pumpkin Giveaway this past Sunday, October 14th at the Mount Pleasant Waterfront Park. Thanks to the The Dave Friedman Team over 1000 pumpkins were given away for free! For the second year in a row the DF team partnered and raised funds throughout the event for Lifeline, an organization that places foster children into safe homes. 

Ric Rush and the Kindness Crews-aide located a young Navy couple with their daughter and provided them with Coastal Carolina Fair passes in honor of those who fight for our country!  

A huge thanks to Crews Chevrolet!! 

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